It’s said that the fastest route between two points is a straight line, but the straight path between Evans Hall and White Hall is only accessible to non chair-users and people who can use stairs. There are two main routes between these buildings though. The route that is more accessible for chair users and the visually impaired is the longer route.  Someone that can take steps will probably take the route highlighted that goes near the Woodruff PE Center, because there are stairs that shorten the distance between the buildings. They also can walk down the steps and cut in between Few/Evans Halls. The less accessible route makes a chair user or a visually impaired person walk around Few Hall, then through Asbury Circle, past Anthropology building, and under the overpass to White Hall. This route is longer by approximately 375 steps according to Google Maps. The building entrances force those who can’t use the stairs to go in a separate entrance on the side of the building of White Hall. There is no ramp at the main door where students normally enter the building making it more difficult for people with certain disabilities. In inclement weather (shown in the videos) the shorter route is always the best route, making it that much harder for some students to get to class. Emory University could have made the paths around campus more universal, making it easier for students with disabilities.

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