The sign I evaluated is the handicap sign indicating a ramp entering Cox Hall. This is a small blue square attached to the railings between the ramp and stairs. Though the sign indicates accessibility, it’s misleading. This was the only sign I saw that showed a ramp access, making it much more difficult for disabled students to find the ramp if they need to enter Cox Hall. It makes no sense to put the ramp sign pretty much on the ramp. It also is poor design to have a ramp only coming from the hospital side of the building. The sign is accessible to everyone, however it’s more accessible to people walking who are on the right side when facing Cox Hall. The sign is intended to be visible to show where the ramp is, however it is somewhat low to the ground and can be missed if you’re not looking for it. I don’t see how the sign can be misinterpreted, since it shows a picture of a person in wheelchair and an arrow pointing to the ramp. Emory administrators should have done a better job to accent the sign and make the ramp easier to get to.

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