In David Cutler’s article “The economics of the Affordable Care Act, ” he discusses the outlooks that economists have on the new healthcare bill. At the beginning of the article, his stylistic tone is very calm and enlightening, by the middle of the article though I sensed a more aggressive approach to give his readers the data, facts and his opinions on how the economy will benefit. By Cutler’s prolific use of the word I, we know that the article is written in first person. Throughout the article Cutler cites many other economists and studies done that back up his argument. This is done by hyperlinking the works of others in his text. He chooses not to have and footnotes, or citations after the end of the article. A huge positive from my perspective of the article, is his use of numerical data as well as anecdotal data such as his reference to the Red Lobster details. These combined can definitely make an argument stronger and easier to add your own take on a situation. Lastly, Cutler’s structure is another thing to take note of. He starts the article with where the country is at now progress-wise, and then leads the reader to his two main points of how the economy can benefit from the ACA through his use of subtitles. This segregation of the argument makes his points a lot clearer and easier for a reader to understand.

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